MEGADETH: Chilean Concert Riot Results In 24 Arrests
October 8, 2005MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has posted the following message in the "Forums" section of the band's official web site:
"Well, the Chilean show was fantastic! And except for the 500 people who rioted outside the venue, the 24 that got arrested, the wall that was pulled down and the car that was destroyed, everything went smooth as a baby's bottom. [Read more about the Santiago concert riot [in Spanish] at Lun.com.]
"We are now in the VIP lounge at the Santiago Airport, getting ready to fly to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I can not tell you how excited I am to play here one more time. We are going to be filming this show as some of you may know, and visiting a lot of the city's sights and sounds.
"Tonight we are going to by far the best steakhouse in the world. My personal favorite — Happenings! And I have asked Glen [Drover, guitar] if he wants to go for a walk with me tomorrow or the next day to play some songs in the park outside our hotel. So if you see two Gringos with guitars singing heavy songs on acoustic (hehehe) you will know it is us.
"To all the beautiful people of Chile, I am glad I got to see you all once again. You are fabulous and we love you all."